Display Dates using CSS class with Albert span attributes.



Albert enables the chef to control the display format of dates used throughout the statement. Date displays can be configured within any SetText.html instructions. If the span attributes is not configured, the default Format is MMMM D, YYYY, which renders as January 1, 2001.


Date formatting requires use of the visual-date class and the visual-date-format attribute:

  1. Set the Date display to be MM/DD/YY in View/Pattern01 OneColumn Sample/OneColumn/SetText.txt

     <span class="visual-date" visual-date-format="MM/DD/YY">19810701</span>

    will render as 07/01/1981

Attribute Syntax

  Pattern Output
Month M 1 2 … 11 12
  Mo 1st 2nd … 11th 12th
  MM 01 02 … 11 12
  MMM Jan Feb … Nov Dec
  MMMM January February … November December
Day of Month D 1 2 … 30 31
  Do 1st 2nd … 30th 31st
  DD 01 02 … 30 31
Year YY 70 71 … 29 30
  YYYY 1970 1971 … 2029 2030

Suggestions and Feedback

Please send an email to michael.zaucha@brainpowersoftware.com if you have additional questions or feedback on this page.