Published April 28, 2020 By Taylor Brockman In Recipes
Recipe Card
Write your recipe cards in a consistent style to improve readability and navigation! We call this the 4S Style: With Summary, Screenshots, Specifics, and Sample Instructions.
Thumbnails will soon be clickable to see full resolution!
Here are the components of a good “4S” recipe card:
Front matter
navigation, title, author, and a published date / updated date for freshness.
Should fit on a printed 4x6 index card!
Imperative language: Place images thorughout -vs- passive Images can be placed.
A number (for ordering) and a caption. (maybe defined in the filename)
Thumbnails with Hi-rez link outs, CANNOT use client assets or brand, need our house brand.
Like looking at 4 different amazon product variations.
Enable Pure screenshots -vs- annotation screenshots.
Screenshots include different variations of the configuration - Hero Sliders with text on /off.
shoudl be able to copy those screenshots.jpg inline with the markdown content in
But for now we can omit screenshot section for cards were it doesn’t make sense today (Data instructions, etc)
- Great or bulleted lists, explainers, gotcha.
- Enable inline imagery (like MZ’s attach instructions)
Sample Instruction
- Copy + Paste sample code at bottom, drop them into your recipe, tweak a bit.
Recommend using links!
- Links: Any recipe card provides links to other cards, and to external resource, and images.
- Links to Images should have a camera icon
- LInks to External sites shoudl have an out arrow.
- Links to recipe cards could have a notecard fontawesome type of icon
Source Instructions
Inline Images Markdown
![1. First Concept](images/recipe-card-1-first-concept.jpg){:class="screenshot-thumbnail"}