Published June 1, 2021 By Taylor Brockman In Recipes
DRY up your macro using a set of standardized, convenient bash functions to promote operational consistency across all of your projects.
The macpack instruction provides environment variables and functions that you can use from within your macro and flatmap commands that help you interact with gitlab, attach files, push git commits, determine recipe paths.
To activate ‘macpack’ add these two instructions to your macro recipe:
/macro/macpack : A bash script that defines the functions and environment variables provided by macpack and available for use in your macros.
The latest version of the macpack instruction is 20.5.4 and lives in explorex-examples-2020/macro/macpack, cksum 2900740809
/macro/gitlab : A configuration file that sets the CI_PROJECT_URL and CI_PROJECT_ID to the Gitlab location where this project is hosted. This instruction must be customized per project.
At the top of any of your (Macro)[macro] .sh instructions, add these two lines:
# 20.5 macpack 1liner
. $(dirname $0)/../macpack || exit 1
# 20.5 Macpack gitlabEnvironment
Create a a dated attachPath
attachPath Daily appDataForm18
attachCommit 'Info Kitchen Daily Refresh'