Record a Summary of your Flatmap run to preserve history.




Run -vs- Row Concept

  • Create a Data/Receipt/ path.

Run Level

  • Markdown.scala / RunMarkdown.scala / RunMarkdown <Section>.scala
def rowToMarkdown (
  namespace: IccnNamespace,
  row: IccnNamespaceRow,
  json: JsObject,
  markdown: String,
  rowCount: Int)
  (implicit runner: FlatmapRunnerContext)

Row Level

  • RowMarkdown.scala / RowMarkdown
def runToMarkdown (
  namespace: IccnNamespace,
  rows: Seq[IccnNamespaceRow],
  instructionName: String,
  rowCount: Int)
  (implicit runner: FlatmapRunnerContext)

Headers and Values

  • Frontmatter

  • SetValue.txt / SetHeader.txt

  • SetValue.scala / SetHeader.txt

  • SetFilename.scala (Alias)

def argsToAny (
  setKey: String,
  aargs: Any*)
  (implicit runner: FlatmapRunnerContext) 


The braniacs are building these together during our morning session!

Suggestions and Feedback

Please send an email to if you have additional questions or feedback on this page.